


观看更多视频和其他有用的提示、技巧和DIY教程 请访问YouTube上的阿拉莫软水器.

如果你在连接你的 软水器 单位到你家的wifi连接,这里都有 第一部分第二部分 在我们的YouTube页面上.


阿拉莫软水器 can install the highest quality water treatment products in your home or business whether you are on a well or your water is supplied by a municipality. Well water does have larger variances in water quality so it is always recommended to start with lab analysis. 我们提供该服务,并在适当的时候进行现场测试.


软水器不会永远有效, 然而, 许多系统在适当的维护下可以使用20年以上. 打电话给我们,免费免费 system check to see if we can repair your current system.


是的,我们可以! 水的状况是不断变化的, 这就是为什么定期测试你的水是如此重要. 打电话给我们,免费免费 水试验. We can then help you to underst和 what is in your water 和 tailor a system to fit your home’s needs.


We always prefer to meet with you at the home to conduct our own review of the home’s plumbing 和 water quality to make sure our recommendation is right for your home. 水的质量和需求因家庭而异. 一些房主, 然而, know their home 和 water well enough to receive a remote bid whether that is by phone, 缩放或电子邮件由您决定! A great place to start is the CCR found on the water provider’s website if you are on city water.


Many people don’t realize that 硬水 can damage homes’ plumbing 和 water-using appliances including washing machines, 洗碗机, 而且热水器的维修费用更高. You can extend the life of your plumbing 和 appliances by installing an Alamo Water Softener.


Hard water dries out your hair 和 skin by leaving mineral deposits which can create skin problems. 它还会在你的浴缸上留下矿物质沉积物, 淋浴, 以及其他让它们难以清洁的电器. Installing an Alamo Water Softener will eliminate the mineral build-up on your skin 和 around your home. 每个人的皮肤和头发都不一样, 软水绝对可以改善皮肤和头发, 尤其是和适合你的肥皂和洗发水一起使用时.


水压非常重要. If your pressure is too high your softener 和 water filters will not have a chance to work properly since your water could be passing through too quickly. 如果你的水压非常高,它会损坏你的软水器. 你家里的水压应该设置在60-80psi之间. 有任何问题请给我们打电话.


任何类型的 水软化剂盐 对你的系统有效吗. 然而,球团盐中含有粘合剂以形成球团. 太阳晶体盐确实有助于你的系统更好地运作.


是的,我们为您提供融资选择. You can find out about all the options that may be best for you during your appointment with one of our technicians.


是的,我们有! 您的费用取决于我们对您的家庭和家庭需求的评估. 打电话给我们进行免费的无义务评估.

11. 你们所有的产品都有保修单吗?

是的,他们有! We have literally thous和s of customers 和 one of the things they appreciate the most is our warranties.


软水器不会永远有效, 然而, 许多系统在适当的维护下可以使用20年以上. 打电话给我们进行系统检查,看看您当前的系统表现如何.

我们要买一套没有装软水机的新房, 你能勘察一下我们的新家吗?

当然可以! Somew在这里 around 50% of our customer’s homes were not plumbed for 软水器s but now they are. 打电话给我们进行免费的无义务评估.


是的,我们可以! 给我们打个电话,让我们免费进行评估.

15) Do you provide monthly salt delivery so we do not have to hassle with buying the bags from the store 和 hauling them home?

我们当然有! 给我们打电话,我们很乐意告诉你我们的盐配送计划.

16) What is the difference between a Reverse Osmosis system 和 a Whole House Filtration System?

A reverse osmosis system gives you better water quality at what is referred to in the industry at the POU (point of use) or at the kitchen sink with a separate small faucet. 反渗透过滤器孔径约为0.0001微米. 水通过反渗透过滤器后,基本上就是纯净水了. When you hear the term “whole house filtration” in the Water Treatment Industry it could mean several different things…some companies will refer to a 软水器 as a whole house filtration system, 有些公司会把碳过滤称为全屋过滤, 过滤有很多不同的层次. 正如你所看到的,这个问题的答案很快就会变得很长. 给我们打电话. We will be happy to discuss 和 share with you our expertise when comparing reverse osmosis 和 whole-house filtration.


是的,你需要. The reason is a 软水器 will take the hardness out of your water but t在这里 are chemicals 和 contaminants that a 软水器 will not remove that a filtration system will.


很好的问题! We try to sum it up with 3 things…(1) Our PEOPLE…customer service was in our conception as a company 和 it remains to this day. 它存在于我们的DNA中,这是因为我们的人民! (2) Our Product…through our years of experience in the industry…we have found the best quality products out t在这里 和 we will not offer our customers 和 potential customers anything less (3) Our Prices…when comparing systems side by side we will have the best value per dollar. 这是我们从开始到结束的整个过程. Our mindset is t在这里 is no end, we continue to serve you long after our system is in place. 请查看我们的评论并给我们打电话. “我们的客户说得最好 !”

几年前我们向你们购买了一套水软化系统, 我们多久需要保养一次, 你有这个的年度维护协议吗?

我们建议至少三年保养一次. We do have a membership program that would include maintenance 和 savings on several plumbing items. 今天就给我们打电话,了解我们的维护和会员计划.


查看我们的 YouTube页面 观看有关如何定位水表/主断水装置的视频.

我家停电了,软水器的时钟也不正确. 如何更新软水机的时间?

We have a video demonstrating how to update the time on your 软水器 system right on our YouTube page. 点击 在这里 看看如何更新你的水软化剂系统时钟的教程.